Safe Housing
At Catalyst, we know that many people in abusive relationships feel trapped and unable to get help.
At Catalyst, we know that many people in abusive relationships feel trapped and unable to get help.
A lack of safe and accessible housing options can be a huge barrier to leaving an abusive partner, which is why domestic violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness for women. All of our services, including housing, are available to survivors of all genders and their children.
As the longest continuously running shelter provider in Butte County, Catalyst has a strong history of prioritizing services that meet the unique, individual needs of survivors of intimate partner violence. We strive to provide an environment that supports the whole individual, or family, and empower them to take steps towards self-sufficiency.
We know that no one plan is right for everyone and for that reason we consider our housing programs to be fluid. Maybe one option is right for you right now, but another option may be a better fit later. The best way to get more information and connect to any of our Housing Programs is to call our hotline (800) 895-8476 and speak with one of our helpful and supportive advocates. We can help you connect to the Housing Program that can assist you best.
Safe Housing Programs
HAVEN (Home Away From a Violent Environment Now)
HAVEN is a temporary confidential communal living environment for survivors of intimate partner violence and their children whose safety is at immediate risk and is often a participant’s first introduction to Catalyst housing. Residents are provided with housing and services for up to six months. Voluntary supportive and advocacy services are available when participants want or need support. This can include crisis counseling and emotional support, resources for education, resources for training and employment, resources for housing, and a variety of other self-identified needs and goals. Due to HAVEN’s confidential location guests, service providers, or family members not in shelter cannot come to the location.
Cottage Program (transitional housing)
The purpose of the Cottage Program is to provide transitional housing and supportive services for 12 to 18 months to survivors of intimate partner violence. This housing is available to individuals in need of a safe and confidential place to live. The Cottages are a self-sufficiency program in which participants must be employed or already enrolled in an educational/ training program at the time of application. The length of stay is based on the time frame needed to achieve goals that will lead to self-sufficiency. A variety of supportive and advocacy services are offered based on participant need. This can include crisis counseling and emotional support, a savings program and case management. The Cottages are located on our confidential location so participants are unable to have guests or visitors of any kind.
Applications are only available when there are vacancies. Leases for these properties are 12- 18 months long, therefore there is no waitlist for this program. When we have an open Cottage we share that information with our community partners and share information about applying here on our website.
11/15/24: We have an opening in our Cottage Program!
The Gold Cottage is a 2-bedroom, 1-bath home. Single person households are encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted until Cottage is filled. Review of applications begins Monday, December 2nd
Rapid Re-Housing and Housing First Programs
These programs are a multipronged approach to assist survivors of intimate partner violence in finding a home they can call their own for years to come. We not only focus on survivor-driven, trauma-informed, mobile advocacy, but also community engagement and flexible financial assistance. In collaboration with landlords and property managers throughout Butte County, Catalyst works with participants to provide a variety of services to support self-identified goals to achieve housing stabilization. In order to reduce barriers to accessing housing examples of services include: housing identification, advocacy with landlords, connections to supportive services, financial assistance that will help maintain housing or employment, and tenant education.
These are apartments and houses rented throughout Butte County through rental agencies and individual property owners and are not based on confidential locations.
By participating in this program, landlords and property managers can also benefit from access to a Housing Coordinator to discuss any concerns, reduced turnover, saving time and money spent on advertising, and increased stability. Together we are playing an integral role in helping individuals take charge of their lives.
Are you a landlord interested in finding out how to get involved? Contact Ann Winters, Housing Director at (530) 924-2689.