Exam Accompaniment – Glenn County
We are now the sole certified provider of crisis intervention services for survivors of sexual assault in Glenn County.
Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Accompaniment
Whether or not to seek medical care is a big decision for many survivors. It can be fraught with worry and concern as well as fear about who will find out or how they will pay for care. Many survivors are not aware of the rights they have under federal and state law nor are they aware of trained specialists who can help them in a medical setting. Seeking care is an extremely personal decision and can be affected by past experiences with medical personnel, access to health insurance, a person’s culture and identity, and concerns about being judged or blamed. Catalyst is here to help. Our trained advocates meet survivors at Enloe Health and Oroville Hospital 24 hours a day/7 days a week for these exams. Our role is to advocate and support the survivor, ensuring the survivor’s voice is heard, their needs are being met, and their questions are being answered.
Rights of the Survivor
- Survivors have the right to access a forensic medical exam at no cost to them if they wish to preserve evidence for a sexual assault. They are not obligated to work with law enforcement in order to receive the exam at no cost.
- Survivors have the right to consent or not consent to the collection of evidence.
- Survivors have the right to confidentiality. A survivor’s medical records can only be released with their express consent.
- During a forensic medical exam or a physical examination, the survivor has the right to request the presence of a sexual assault counselor (as defined in Section 1035.2 of the California Evidence Code), and a support person of the survivor’s choosing. This right must be provided to the survivor in writing or verbally before the forensic medical exam begins.
- Survivors have the right to be notified in writing 60 days ahead of when their sexual assault evidence kit is due to be destroyed.
Forensic Medical Examinations and Evidence Collection
The purpose of a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam is to ensure the survivor receives appropriate treatment. Additionally, the medical professional collects and preserves evidence that can be used in court.
The forensic medical exam is an important component of any criminal investigation but can be both a frightening and validating experience for survivors. It is sometimes referred to as a “rape kit” or “sexual assault kit” but its formal name in California is the Forensic Medical Exam. Forensic medical exams, as described above, are performed by trained medical professionals who understand the dynamics of sexual assault and the effects of trauma on memory and the body. The components of a forensic medical exam are defined in California Penal Code Section 13823.7. Elements include swabbing the mouth and any part of the body that came in contact with the person who sexually assaulted them, head and pubic hair combing/collection, photographic documentation of injuries, and a pelvic and/or rectal exam. The exam can last anywhere from a couple of hours to several hours depending on the severity of the assault, if injuries are present, or a survivor’s capacity to consent to care.
Enloe Health and Oroville Hospital have special nurses on staff who are knowledgeable about all aspects of sexual assault and survivor responses and are able to provide understanding, compassionate, and educated care to survivors. Their concern is to meet the medical needs of the patient in addition to any evidence collection. If any injuries are found, they are treated. A full history is taken, medications are provided as necessary, and resources are given to support a survivor in their healing. In addition, because of their specialized training, these professionals are experts in the proper collection and preservation of evidence, which can be crucial in convicting perpetrators, if survivors choose to participate in the criminal justice process.